Angul emerged as the No-1 polluted area of the country with AQ1 more than 340

Angul emerged as the No-1 polluted area of the country with AQ1 more than 340

By Bijay Mishra
Angul , 06-12-24 

Angul has been emerged as the  No-1 polluted area of the country with AQ1 more than 340 . 

The RO , OSPCB -Angul admitted that AQI is more than 333 at Angul & Dera mapping center . Various AQI mapping agencies have recorded more than 340 points and displayed in their website. 

The air quality is recorded as Severe category and this level is 38 points higher compared to the previous day. The AQI, a standard measure of air quality, offers insights into the concentration of pollutants in the air, ranging from harmful particles to gases like carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. 

When the air quality in Angul frequently worsens and  pollution  is continuing as a growing challenge, the policy makers ,some  politicians and vested interest people are continuously promoting uncontrolled mining and industrial activities in Angul - Talcher -Meramundali area . 

The severe pollution posed acute health risks to residents.

With 16 coal mines , Mega Steel Plants  , Aluminium plant , Power plants and 12 coal washery units , Angul -Talcher area has been emerged as an industrial hot spot of the country . Again the Govt with the support of some local leaders  allowed 12 coal mines to operate in this area .  Apart from heavy Coal dust  and fly ash pollution, transport pollution added to the misery of the people . More than 30 thousand trucks and heavy vehicles are running in the narrow roads of Angul - Talcher region causing severe pollution . 

Angul & Talcher have been included in “ National Clean Air Program “ along with 131 polluted cities of the country since 1920 and crores of rupees have been spent to minimise pollution. “But the unplanned and uncontrolled mining & industrial activities have out tracked this mission. “- told Advocate Rabindra Prasad Pattanaik, President, Citizens Action Forum . 

The MoEFCC, through a notification dated September 5, 2022, stipulated timelines for thermal power plants to comply with sulphur dioxide (SO2) emission norms, with stringent environmental compensation in case of non-compliance. As per the MoEFCC, thermal power plants categorised as A, B and C (based on the plant's location) are required to be SO2 norm compliant by December 2024, December 2025, and December 2026, respectively. All thermal power plants are required to comply with the emission norms as notified by the MoEFCC and directions given by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) from time to time. The deadlines keep on extending without any anti-pollution measure. The environmental clearances are given on the condition that FGD units would be installed. However Ministry of Power asked for extension for installation of FGD units . “ Seeking an extension is nothing but a technique to dilute the norms.” told Mr C R Sahu , environmentalist. 

Due to dust and air pollution, diseases like tuberculosis, asthma, fluorosis, bronchitis, thyroid and stomach ailments have become endemic . 

Failure of implementing various action plans in the stipulated times and the negligence of the statutary bodies , caused serious air pollution in Angul District .Various action plans , prepared by the OSPCB have not implemented by the industries and mines authorities .  Action plans on planned transportation activities and fly ash management have not fully implemented , leading to increase of severe pollution . Air pollution increased the Health cost and economic burden of the people .

People  demanded installation of  flue-gas desulfurisation (FGD) technology in thermal power plant which  could lead to a substantial about 65 per cent reduction in sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions.