Lok Shakti Abhiyan opposed coal mining at Turakoi A North Coal Block
By Bijay Mishra
Bhubaneswar, 30-07-2023
“As Jharsuguda is already a victim of critical pollution by unmindful mining and uncontrolled extractive industries,the proposed Coal mining by Vedanta Company at Turakoi A North Coal Block,in Lakhanpur Tahasil will accumulate more green house gases and aggravate air,water and soil pollution. “- told Mr Prafulla Samantara , President ,Lok Shakti Abhiyan.
Opposing the scheduled public hearing for environment clearence for this project , Mr Samantaray , in a letter to the Member Secretary of State Pollution Control Board , told that the shared executive summary is unable to provide sufficient information with respect to environmental impact of the project and its mitigation. The report has not provided complete data of baseline ambient concentration monitored at all the 10 sampling location. No details have been provided about predicted Ground Level Concentration (GLC) of AAQ parameters due to project. IB valley is highly industrialized zone where cumulative impact assessment is required but the report is silent on any such study.
Brief description of project disclosed about presence of 12 Reserved Forest and 4 Protected Forest within 10 km radius of the project site but no baseline data on flora and fauna with respect to species richness, diversity etc. including impact of mining on wildlife is given.
Further the EIA study Executive Summary does not show any evaluation of loss of trees, biodiversity ,fona & founa as well as damage to wild life in the said forest along with the nearby Reserved & Protected forests.Even what will be loss of trees is not available in the report.The EIA Executive summary says half truth that Lilari Nallah is flowing in the middle of to the said mine area and it has be diverted from the mining field and to connect with the rest outside mining field.This is a gross violation of rules and laws which prevent to disturb or obstruct the natural flow of water.Again it is mentioned that a stream named Hinjakharu which merges with Lilari Nallah will be no more after mining starts.There are many such streams also will be affected by open cast mining .All these natural streams and Nallahs will disappear during and after mining activities.The serious outcome will be the irreparable loss and damage to river Ibb which is a main tributary of river Mahanadi. Open cast Mining of coal and it's transport will pollute also river ,Nallahs and existing streams and create scarcity of water flow in river Ibb.
There will be loss of river biodiversity and environment arround the mining of 10 kms radius.
Because of mining there will be loss of 1200 acres of agriculture land at the cost of food security and livelihood of thousands of farmers and agriculture workers .
Destruction of forest land and victimized forests nearby will push out tribals along with forest dwellers from their right to life and livelihood.The villagers of acquired land not only will be displace but also the nearby surrounding villages will also suffer due to severe pollution and blasting for open caste mining.
Opposing the EC for the said project , Mr Samantaray told that , “as per Indian Governments's commitment in Paris Agreement no new coal based power plant should be allowed to prevent climate change.”
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